How to Survive Your Husband's Midlife Crisis
How the women of the Midlife Club dealt with their husbands' adultery and other midlife issues.

How to Survive Your Wife's Midlife Crisis
It isn't just men who have major issues at middle age. These husbands were searching for answers after their wives' midlife issues tore their marriages apart.

Journaling through His Midlife Crisis
Journaling through His Midlife Crisis: Redefining Your Life As He Reinvents His - a journaling tool for women.

True Stories of Adultery
What causes a husband or wife to cheat? Can a marriage survive adultery? Stories from betrayers, betrayed and the other man or woman.

‘Midlife Divorce’

When Our Little Worlds Fall Apart

I’d been having a bad week. I’d been divorced for a little over a year and my new relationship was developing a few problems. My career wasn’t going as well as it could, and minor irritations were starting to get blown out of proportion. I remember thinking that things couldn’t get any worse. More »

The Right Friends At Divorce

When divorce ends your marriage, you may believe your situation is unique and unprecedented. For you it is, but millions of people are dealing with and surviving divorce every day and you can, too. More »

Moving On After 19 Years

She wanted to know how she could move on after her 19-year marriage ended when her husband left to be with someone from his past. The marriage hadn’t been a good one for quite a few years but it took her a long time to decide that she’d rather be out of it than deal with all of its dysfunction. What she was having trouble with was moving past the memories. More »

Memories Of The Past

As you work your way through the black hole of divorce, memories of particularly good times that you and your soon-to-be-ex husband or wife shared together will surface. You may hear a song, or find a photo, or someone will say something that triggers the memory. The pain will get deeper, or your anger will grow stronger. More »

Begging Him (Or Her) To Stay

“I love him and I don’t want to lose him. I am so desperate to save my marriage!” It’s a familiar plea… the need to force a husband or wife to stay in a marriage they’re attempting to flee. More »

The Price The Next Spouse Pays

Having a marriage fail at midlife does not mean you won’t meet and fall in love again. Most likely you will. Just how successful that marriage will be has a lot to do with how you handle the baggage both you and your new love bring to the marriage. More »

Midlife Divorce

Having had two marriages end during the “midlife years,” I have a slight advantage understanding why aging has the potential to blow a marriage apart. More »

Divorce At Midlife

Midlife can be a dangerous time for marriage. Some marriages won’t survive. Some marriages will be patched back together but key ingredients will be missing. Some marriages will be made even stronger. More »

Midlife Crisis and Divorce

The term “midlife crisis” is used to encompass a great many reasons why people do the damaging things they do to destroy their marriage. Midlife crisis is sometimes used to brand any type of unsuitable behavior within a marriage, even if the person is years away from midlife. More »

Learning To Love Yourself

It’s a wonderful thing to be in love with another person. Before your marriage fell apart you knew what it was to be in love and loved by someone else, didn’t you? More »


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